My experiences at YEA! were numerous but one I remember most was taking a group of teenagers to present our work to Youth As Resources. We were awarded $2,000 to take technology into the homes of even more youth in the community. I was a member of the National Society of Black Engineers at USF and our group had a fulfilling experience working with YEA!.

Trevon with YEA! Participant Receiving YAR Award
I started volunteering with YEA! in Summer of 2003 when it was just getting started. I had never thought about teaching kids but I loved it immediately. I got involved in CPU-4-U first but I have done a range of things from rebuilding computers, to administration to teaching and much more. YEA! is a place where I have really had the opportunity to explore my skills and give back to the community.

Trevon Teaching a YEA! Teen Tech
I was really honored to receive the YEA! Caleb Award. It touches me to know the appreciation that the organization, the children and the community feel. It is an awesome responsibility to pass on your knowledge to children. In fact it's a responsibility I didn't think I would have or could have at 20yrs old but someone believed in me and God was guiding me.
YEA! helped me to slow down and put things in perspective. The opportunity to serve others is one of the greatest gifts I have received. I have a better understanding of Christ and why He did what He did for me and for the whole world. Although I won't be at YEA! like I was before I know they are destined for even greater things. As I go into ministry I will keep them in prayer."
Trevon was born in Grenada and was the very first VIP in 2003. Today he is a leader in ministry and has completed Christian Mission trips, including to Jamaica.