4 January 2022
See the delivery of poles which were donated by the Barbados Light and Power Company, these poles would be cut to make a fence to secure the area.
Newspaper article on barbadostoday.bb about the donation of poles from the Barbados Light and Power Company.

Newspaper article on Nation news

Newspaper article on Barbados Advocate

31 December 2018
Progress at Roland Edwards Primary with CIBC FirstCaribbean Foundation
We have been in the news recently! Please take time to read the below article from The Bajan Reporter.
• https://www.bajanreporter.com/2018/10/roland-edwards-primary-reaps-rewards-with-cibc-firstcaribbean/

18 March 2018
Progress at Gordon Walters Primary School

30 January 2018
Growing Children In A Garden
The REAP program was successfully implemented at the Roland Edwards Primary School in 2013. It was facilitated by me after some extensive training in the area done by Marsha and Ms. Mcconney. I was very intrigued with the program after the initial training and took the idea to my principal that we could use this program in correlation with the present 4H club that we had going at the time; as this program was bringing some much needed funding as well as the entrepreneurial aspect of gardening. We decided to use this program with the remedial students to see if it could make school more exciting for them and to help prepare them for the world ahead. I must say that is the best decision we could have possibly made.

Being the teacher of the main Remedial Class that benefited from the program I can say that the program not only sparked an educational interest in my students, but it also worked as a behavioural tool. Some of the students were quite a handful to manage but the garden project has given them an outlet to
get rid of all the extra energy that they would have had to spend on mischievous behaviours. I’ve seen students willing to give up their lunch time play and leave school later on evenings just to get extra time in the garden. I’ve also received positive comments from parents who said that because of the program they have seen an overall change in their child’s performance for the better. Children are also creating their own gardens at home and selling the produce to their neighbours.
Due to the support of this program we were able to attain help from a neighbouring hotel which helped us with the moving and reconstructing of the school’s shade house which was on the outside of the school compound. The produce that was grown at the school was also sold to a neighbouring supermarket where the students were able to see the profits of their hard labour. The school was also champion of the Grow Well Eat Well in Bim competition in the shade house category and also gained second prize in the recipe component of the competition with the school’s original recipe “REPS VEG cookie”. The students of my class and I really appreciate the opportunity we were given to be a part of this venture and we look forward to being a part of it for many more years.
By; Dominique Jordan - Roland Edwards Primary School
26 November 2017
Check back often to hear from youth, facilitators, parents, partners and people who say “YEA!”
Coming soon - > Growing Children In A Garden: Transformation at Roland Edwards Primary
Coming soon - > Short Carrots at St. Paul’s Primary: A Lesson in Plant Adaptation
Coming soon - > My Deaf Frogs: A New Perspective at Parkinson Memorial Secondary
4 November 2017
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