YEA! was founded in 2003 as a dynamic community program for positive youth development. Our primary focus at that time was youth entrepreneurship.
As YEA! programs developed and expanded, we recognized that the adults who care about youth also needed programs to help them to help our future generations. Entrepreneurial Youth Education Solutions (EYES) was founded in 2015 to meet this need and to support YEA! programs in various ways.

Since 2003, we have been a quiet force for positive change wherever we are. Decades of effective, responsive programming has improved thousands of lives for youth, and the people who care about them, in ways they never imagined
Explore the evolution of our programs and hear from the people whose lives we have impacted.YEA! VISION
You(th) empowered to live and earn as his or her best self.YEA! MISSION
Providing effective programming for positive you(th) development.

YEA! has various programs which were developed to inspire youth. Our aim is to inspire life-long learning and passion for a purpose greater than one's self.